Did you know that your story is truly inspiring?

Hello friends around the world. Long time no see. I have been working on a project which is not quite up and running yet but watch this space, I will have more on that soon.

In the meantime I wanted to tell you about someone else’s pretty amazing project in the Infertility world.

If you have followed my journey for awhile you may recall that I got myself a Fertility Coach after things had been going on for awhile. Her name was Karenna and she honestly kept me sane and grounded through my last IVF cycle, waiting for the genetic testing results, through my miscarriage and subsequent pregnancy preparing for my VBAC. I honestly cannot rave about her enough. Anyway, Karenna is very passionate about helping women who are stuck on this particular shit of a journey (ummm my words, not hers. She is much more nicely spoken than potty mouth me), and she is creating an online space called Your Fertility Hub which she intends to make into something pretty damn amazing. Part of that is collecting people’s stories.

I’m just going to leave the blurb she has about this below for you to check out. There are links you can follow to submit your own story. You can also contact her directly if you are interested in contributing further content for her site.

Note, Karenna is currently offering a free 30 minute consultation to anyone who registers during these early stages so get on in there. She is amazing and you can be anywhere in the world as she consults over Skype. We did all our sessions that way and despite my early scepticism it actually worked really well.

Back in the coming weeks to tell you all about my new project. Woooo!


Did you know that your story is truly inspiring? 

Your fertility story may be just the right support and information to help someone else going through infertility and we’d love you to tell your story on Your Fertility Hub.

Your Fertility Hub is a new website and community which aims to inspire women and couples, help make their fertility journeys more positive and assist them in getting the right information, tools and support to find their way out of infertility. 

We are looking for individuals who have gone through or are going through infertility to tell their stories. We know just how important other people’s stories are to people and we want to showcase as many as possible on Your Fertility Hub. 

Each inspiring story will talk about that person’s unique journey, say what helped, what worked and what didn’t, inspiring quotes or tips and although not completely anonymous will only display first name and a thumbnail image. It’s so important to put a face to a story so we really appreciate your courage in submitting your story.

Click here to submit your story

Thank you and we will be in touch to confirm your story and to send you the link once live for you to review. Currently the new site is aiming to go live in early August and we will keep you posted. 

Fertility Fatigue

fertility fatigue

Fertility fatigue. Fertility fatigue. Fertility fatigue.

Those words have been rolling around in my brain all afternoon ever since I had the realisation that for once, despite having a super hectic few weeks, I am not completely fatigued. The reality of this just amazes me. I mean, I’m in my 24th week of pregnancy and I have a four year old and I solo parent most of the time. Eric does usually take Monkey for 24 hours on the weekend but last weekend he stayed here instead and I got a 4 hour break in the afternoon on Saturday and the weekend before that he was in Singapore so I was full-time mummy after a busy week of solo mummying.

Usually if Eric misses a weekend of taking our little dude I am toast by the next week so the fact that we are now two weeks after that and I am feeling motivated and energetic, well, it just blows me away.

Monkey does go to pre-school 3 days a week (1 long day and 2 short) but I do work and run around doing my appointments across those days so they aren’t a rest per se, just a rest from parenting. And yet I’m not really that fatigued. Yes yes, I have the second trimester bump to thank for some of it I’m sure but the reality is that I also no longer have the stress of infertility and the related fatigue weighing me down.

I think when we are in the thick of this journey that we underestimate the toll it takes us. So often I am reading blogs by beautiful women in the midst of their fertility Continue reading

Nuchal scan + getting my head right – 13 weeks 3 days

Yes, yes, I am still here! I’m still alive.  Baby is good. Life has just been busy and in the evenings I’m so tired so posting has slipped by the wayside a little.

If I had posted last Monday a I intended to I would have talked a lot about how flat I have been feeling this pregnancy. All the anxiety and stress and hormones have all combined to create this real lack of enjoyment for this experience I have been aching to have and that was starting to get really fucking old and really fucking frustrating for me last week.  Continue reading

A funky little headspace

Ugh. I simply cannot figure out how to write this post and that’s a bit of a strange experience for me. Suddenly it’s like I don’t know how to convey my feelings.

As you know, things have mostly been going along OK since the miscarriage. Looking at it now I should have expected there would be a crash at some point. I was doing far too well, even I thought it was strange. In fact, I thought it was kind of wrong that I wasn’t more outwardly devastated. I had a couch day last Wednesday and got up Thursday all perky and normal, feeling fine. I had my moments but really, I was bumbling along alright. Continue reading

IUI#3 – 12dpIUI – It’s all over red rover

Well I don’t  know what that faint line was that I thought I saw. Wishful thinking?

Anyway woke this morning with a full bleed so the fairies didn’t  bless us with a baby this month but we will keep asking.

We at least have so many plans for the future with this new clinic that I feel less disappointed than I would have if all my hopes were hanging on this outcome. Onwards and upwards eh?

Thanks for all the support last night with my crazy line post. You guys ROCK.

The crunchiest hippiest thing I have EVER done

I had a birth healing ceremony the other day.

Now THERE is a sentence I thought I’d never say, write, utter, you get it.

Not that I have anything against healing ceremonies or hippy things, I’m just not normally that way inclined. You don’t look at me and think I’d be all about that sort of thing. But infertility encourages you to do navigate a road less traveled by you in so many ways and hey, I am all for exploring new paths if that is where the journey leads me. Continue reading

The role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in solving infertility

I have been doing a lot of research lately about all the different types of “alternative” treatments available to help with infertility. There are literally a plethora out there and making decisions about which to choose and what to do was doing my head in. Continue reading

Waiting to feel good


This is me right now. Dammit you guys,I am struggling. The world feels so foggy and I cannot be bothered doing anything. It’s depression, I know this. This disease is no stranger to me but I don’t normally get it too badly these days and kicking into my health program would normally be enough to transform me.

But it hasn’t worked this time. I feel like I am going through the motions and waiting to feel good. Where is it? The healthy feeling? The happy feeling? The ‘I’m doing all the right things” feeling?  Continue reading

30 days of Optimum Health

Last night when I was wide awake between the hours of 3:30am and 5am I composed an entire post in my head on how young children and infertility are the reason for sexless marriages as opposed to marriage itself. Poor marriage gets a bad rap when it is really the adorable little offspring (or lack thereof!) that is ruining it all. You see, at some point I loved sex and I’m not really sure where that person has gone now. Continue reading

IVF #1 – CD11 – We had a few wins!

Wooo! Always like to start a post with a whoot and not a whine.

I had my second scan yesterday and there was good news. All is progressing well but not quite so well that I’ll have my egg retrieval tomorrow…we are waiting until Monday instead. This is what I was secretly hoping for as it means my Dr will be back from his time away and will do my egg retrieval. YAY! It also means three more days of needles but I think it’s an OK trade off. Continue reading