PGS – Preimplantation Genetic Screening

PGS, PGD, CGH – they do all actually mean something different and are used in different cases but essentially they also all refer to the same outcome and that is the genetic testing result of an embryo.

At our previous clinic the method they used was CGH which is an array test. We are not using that method this time.

This time, at our new clinic, we are going for the Next Generation Sequencing which is thought to be slightly more accurate and my clinic refers to it as PGS.

Apparently the CGH method is the preference for when they are working with gene translocations (which we are not) but for everything else it is this Next Generation Sequencing. Continue reading

Teething issues at the new clinic

Grrrrr it has just been one of those freaking days, folks.

It started with Monkey knocking his beautiful new Life Factory drink bottle off the table and my god, the fucker smashed. I kid you not. They are glass yes but they have a protective silicon sleeve and I have found mine quite resilient. So this was unexpected. Here’s the great part: it cost $40 and I BOUGHT IT YESTERDAY.

Not even 24 hours in the house. *sigh* Continue reading

When you try to control the uncontrollable

Ugh. Today sucked. There’s no other word for it. I spent the entire day like a lovestruck teenager staring at my phone willing it to ring. I even had the phantom handbag ring on a number of occasions. You know the one. It sees an otherwise sane person frantically remove everything from her bag in search for said phone so sure that it is ring ring ringing, only to find that no one has tried to call at all. Then you press a few buttons, makes sure it works and put it back within easy reach where it promptly decides to bury itself in the bag cave. Continue reading

Less than 24 hours until we get our PGD results

I got myself in a bit of a tizz today as my brain decided to work out that based on the 2 week estimate my PGD results would be due Easter Monday and that is a holiday here…as is Good Friday. So I reasoned (with myself – always the best kind) that based on that timing the lab would be moving heaven and earth to finish pending testing before the 4 day weekend. Makes sense right? Continue reading

IVF #3 – the stats, the lowdown and where it’s all at

I have made a conscious decision this cycle NOT to blog about it as I go. Mainly as I find that blogging about what is happening puts me in a position where my brain needs to entertain all the options – the ones were the outcome sucks as well as the ones where the outcome is great. So I decided to just stick with keeping only the positive outcomes in my brain.

I am keeping this post as a record of my stats as they are useful for myself to look back on and also for others going through a cycle and wanting to know what’s up. I will publish it when the cycle itself reaches an end. Whether that is before PGD or after I’m not sure yet.

(PGD is chromosme testing of embryos).

Now: if you don’t want a blow by blow account of what went down then feel free to scroll to the bottom and just see my stats. There is a heading with the word Summary in it. This is the one your want.

Ok, off we go.  Continue reading