Well we were all wrong -39 weeks 3 days

39 weeks

The OB who predicted a 37/38 week delivery and even put his money on a date now well in the past (16 May) – WRONG

My acupuncturist who said she’d always thought I’d go 37/38 weeks – WRONG

My mum who apparently thought it too – WRONG

And my neighbour and mother-in-law and even ME – WRONG, WRONG, WRONG

Babies come when babies are ready as it turns out. Continue reading

What is life without a bit of drama? – 38 weeks 2 days

Man oh man, we sure like to live it large around here. 

We have spent the last almost 24 hours at the hospital and not for a birth related event. We aren’t even at the hospital I am birthing at! Remember a few days ago I mentioned that Monkey was sick? Well I thought it was just a wee cold that would pass but yesterday he started complaining about not being able to breathe properly. Then there was some vomiting. And then his breathing became REALLY laboured. It scared the crap out of me. We were in the car when it all went downhill and I was thankfully sitting next to him so noticed it all and I said to Eric “Straight to the hospital Emergency”. 

They were amazing. They did not make us wait AT ALL (Tweed Heads Public Hospital, we are so happy with the care we have received) and the treatment has been amazing. Poor Monkey did not respond well to his virus and his breathing just couldn’t cope. He is bright and perky today but we are yet to go 4 hours without breathing assistance and that is what they want before we go home. As it stands we are hoping to go home by lunch or soon after. Then it will be some warm snuggly days at home making a full recovery hopefully so we can get ready for baby to arrive.

Needless to say I think all this drama has kept baby tucked inside but I have continued to have pre-labour pains and baby feels even lower today if that is actually possible. We see the OB tomorrow morning so keen to get that update. 

I have a foggy head and runny nose today so going to tuck into the fruit to try and ward it off. I could do without being sick for labour! Maybe a weekend baby? We can only hope. Sunday feels good to me! Ha!

Pre-labour? – 37 weeks + 6 days

Wellllll folks, I think things might be kind of kicking off. I know that doesn’t really mean much sometimes. You can sit in this pre-labour/prodormal labour phase for weeks if you are really lucky but I don’t know, something tells me I am going to have a baby this week. I just feel it in my waters (hahahahhahaha oh I’m too funny).

Now I’ve declared that to the world I will deliver at some overdue 40+ date just to spite my know it all arse. That’s how it works, right? Continue reading

Full Term – 37 weeks

We made it to full term! Woooop! And my body is falling apart….booooooo.

On the weekend we went to Brisbane for a wedding and stayed in a nice fancy hotel with the most comfortable bed and pillows. It was all so perfect. And then I went to adjust my heavy body and heard the most massive pop right between my breast. Scared the freaking life out of me. I have had a google and it is like to be air or ligaments surrounding the sternum and the connection to the ribs. Continue reading

One of “those” weeks – 32 weeks 5 days

2016-04-05 14.53.49

A little piece of cuteness for our baby girl

Well this week, as the title of this post says, was just one of those weeks. It’s not like anything particularly bad happened, just some annoying things. Still, by the end of it I am in a good mood so it can’t be all bad.

The shittiness started last Friday when I had to have a conversation with my Mum about who is welcome to stay when the baby arrives. I thought we’d already had this conversation. It went something like: Continue reading

Things are cruising – 31 weeks 1 day

2016-03-20 16.03.26

29+6  – baby shower day!

We are motoring along pretty well here this week. I remain obsessed with how big I am getting (errrr look 35 weeks in my opinion) but other than that, not doing too badly.

I had a really awesome baby shower on the Sunday before Easter weekend. I shared it with another mum from my mother’s group as this is what we do traditionally and it was SO nice. It was actually really fun to share the day with someone else having the same experience as me. The venue we went to was rural so it was all green and peaceful and pretty. The foods was DIVINE. I had fish that I can still taste when I close my eyes and think of it. Amazing. Continue reading

Hello Anxiety – 29 weeks 3 days

Well, the anxiety has been creeping back in this last week or so. It is like ever since I hit the third trimester my brain has been looking for things to hook onto that will freak me out about the wellbeing of the baby. Now that we are getting close to delivery it is like I am becoming more stressed about the possible outcomes that could take our dream of a healthy baby away from us. Continue reading