Nuchal scan + getting my head right – 13 weeks 3 days

Yes, yes, I am still here! I’m still alive.  Baby is good. Life has just been busy and in the evenings I’m so tired so posting has slipped by the wayside a little.

If I had posted last Monday a I intended to I would have talked a lot about how flat I have been feeling this pregnancy. All the anxiety and stress and hormones have all combined to create this real lack of enjoyment for this experience I have been aching to have and that was starting to get really fucking old and really fucking frustrating for me last week. 

I believe a lot of it is down to diet – I have been consuming waaaaay to many carbs and waaaaaay too much sugar (as my 4kg weight gain already will attest to) and I know that shit fucks with your mental health. So I am on a bit of a journey to try and combat that. It has also been aaaaaages since I did any decent exercise so now that I’m feeling less sick and slightly more energised I need to make the most of that.

Last week I started by getting out in the sun for at least an hour a day about 3 times that week and I have to say it really really helped. We also have a great walking/bike track near the ocean here with body weight exercise equipment in three locations as you walk along so I’m going to start a bit of  a routine that sees me do a brisk walk up to the track (about 10 mins) and then a brisk walk along, stopping to do some of the body weight exercises. It will prob take me 45 mins tops from my front door to lounge so surely I can fit that into my day, right?

There is also a pregnancy yoga thing on Thursday afternoons so I think I’m going to get my yoga on soon. People swear by it for birth so I think it is time for me to give it a shot.

We had our nuchal scan yesterday. I was equal parts terrified and excited before going in. I was pretty sure it would be OK as I feel like I’ve been growing but you always hear all these terrifying stories and I hadn’t seen baby for 2 weeks so I was scared that there would be bad news. It was all great news, everything was perfect. Of course the results we got in our Harmony test trumped the stuff they do at the nuchal that is related but it was good to see that even without it we would have had very little to worry about. This was such a different experience to this scan with Monkey. He JUMPED like he was on a trampoline the entire time almost whereas baby girl was just chilling. The US tech had to keep jiggling my belly to try and get her to move around. I was almost bawling my eyes out through the whole thing. I could hardly believe it was true. It was a really great day.

This past weekend was my birthday. I am the bright young age of 39 now and 40 really is just around the corner. I had a friend fly up from down Sydney way and throw me a massive surprise party on the Sunday.  Her and another local friend coordinated it all with Eric. I honestly could not believe it and was totally surprised. I was soooooo tired that day though and had a massive tantrum before we left for lunch saying I didn’t want to go (I thought we were lunching with friends of Eric).  “They’re your friend” I was blurting out. “You’ll have a good time because he’s your mate. SHE is so hard to talk to”. And more along those lines. I was a joy. Shocking behaviour really. Lucky I’m pregnant and got away with it. Ha!

I booked the doula! I had been in two minds about it but then I read Faye’s birth story and saw how she really had to buckle down and focus to stop the birth from stalling (you did a great job by the way, lady!) and I just thought I would need to have someone there to help with that. This doula also runs births classes so she will do up to 10 hours birth prep with us so it will be like having our own personal birthing classes. I’m REALLY pumped about this. My friend raved about how helpful her doula was for her husband and I really like that idea too. I know Kirrah will be a great support for Eric. I know he wants to feel useful and having her there to guide him will really help him in that. It actual makes me emotional just thinking about this birth being a real team effort.

Last but not least, we told Monkey and he is the cutest about his baby sister. I let him announce the news to people when we run into friends who don’t know yet. He kisses my tummy all the time and is excited for me to grow bigger and bigger. We have had to have a few convos about how babies can come out and he is pretty obsessed with the idea that this baby will come out my vagina. Every now and the he just announces it to me “This baby is going to come out your vagina, Mummy. That’s what I want to happen.” Ha!

So that’s what has been happening in the hood my friends. I will try to post more frequently just so it isn’t so long next time! And BOOM, we are now in the second trimester. Crazy!

Here are a few little of pics of baby girl. Monkey looked at a particular 4D one (not here) and said “She looks like a monster”. They really do in some of those pics. It’s a bit spooky.




40 thoughts on “Nuchal scan + getting my head right – 13 weeks 3 days

  1. Fantastic news. I wondered how you were doing and figured it might be a combo of nausea/tiredness that had kept you away. Monkey is so funny about the vagina thing, hahaha!! I think a doula is brilliant. If you can find someone to really place your trust in I think it can really help keep birth on track. My emotions were all over the place and I could have done with some stability, as indicated by my start/stop contractions. I can’t believe u are 13 weeks already!!!! Oh man, I bet the next few months will fly by. I went carb crazy too, but managed to eat okay in the second tri. You’re doing great and baby girl is growing beautifully, which is what really matters. You’ll get through this – one day at a time xxx


    • I was so impressed with how you noticed the contractions stopping and just buckled down to it with your birthing stuff on your phone! I am just not sure I would manage to get my shit together on my own so doula it is! I have just joined a 12wk pregnancy health program so really looking forward to a healthy 2nd trimester. I want to make the most of feeling good while I can. Hope baby F is getting more and more used to the world every day xxxx


      • I owe a lot to the hynobirthing labour track (maggie howell). Her words really helped me focus. A doula who can talk you through each contraction, or even just be near you is such a good idea. I should have looked into it more. 12 week pregnancy health sounds great – it is so hard keeping on track with hormones and nausea and appetite changes. Sigh. It exhausts me just thinking about it!!! 😉

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  2. YEAH! I’m so happy to read this post and see that sweet little ultrasound pic! I can’t seem to view the slide show on my laptop, so I’ll try later on my cell phone. So glad you’re rockin’ it out! xoxo


  3. You’re adorable! I’m sure you’ll be feeling in a wonky headspace for a while. Considering what you’ve moved through in the last couple years, it’s to be expected. I’d imagine that, like me, once you start to feel the flutters again it’ll be just the comfort & reassurance you’ll need to really let go and embrace all that is happening. Monkey is so cute! Good move on the doula front – I believe everyone should have one, regardless of whether they’re with an obgyn or a midwife. Someone who is on your team and there for emotional support, for both you and Eric too. Plus, if anyone needs a food or potty break, there’s always someone with you. The prenatal stuff is good too-I totally thought this round I was an old pro and wouldn’t need those classes again but the truth is it would have been a good idea. I bought some online ones from some hippie dippie I came across but would have liked to take some with my doula. Maybe it’s not too late for me..! Anyway, congrats on making it out of the crappiest trimester! Xoxox


    • Yes technically you still have 3 weeks to go! I bet she decides to fool you good and doesn’t come up until almost her due date lol OH except that you are already showing signs in the cervix area. Doh. So I’m probably wrong. lol

      I cannot wait to feel bub move consistently. I’ve felt weird stuff that I’m sure is her but it is only here and there, never consistent. My placenta is on the anterior wall again which means it will pad the kicks and I won’t feel them so hard. I was hoping for a different location this time but I’m sure I’ll be thankful for this later! hehe xoxo

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      • Mine too, both times, but I feel her hand movement and foot movement still, especially since she spans my belly now. You’ll feel her, no doubt. The second time around, plus after having gone through numerous fertility treatments, you’re much more sensitive to all the little changes and movements. The placenta won’t prevent that for you, I’m certain of it. I saw my acupuncturist today and she told me my pulse was “very active” and that it was acting in the way it normally does closer to 39 weeks, so she’s convinced there’s no way I’ll reach term. I hope she’s right!

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  4. So good to hear from you!! And great to know that things have been going well! Don’t feel bad about your meltdown when E was trying to get you to go to lunch…I do that sometimes when we’re going to do something with B’s friends, and I’m not even pregnant lol! I can’t see your pics either, I’ll try on my phone later as well. I love that Monkey is so excited about the baby! Great news all around!


  5. Everything is just perfect! I love Monkey’s responses! I hate that you feel “off,” but I know I felt horrible the last pregnancy; I can’t remember how long–not all of it. I just wanted my brain back! I hate it when things mess with my brain. (Keeps me more on track than my gut…) Anyhow, your surprise party was just like they show in movies, eh!? LOL! So mad you were–and headed to your own party! Your baby girl is beautiful! Just beautiful! I am so happy! Keep getting outside and yoga and your little exercise loop and all that! —Terri


  6. Aw loved your post. I definately recommend pregnancy yoga, I love my class. Funny about monkeys reaction! My friends little girl was recently asking her how babies got out after knowing I was pregnant, and when she found out she just laughed and laughed and thought it was so funny! 😉

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