IVF #1 – CD8 – Scan results

So I had my first scan this afternoon. I have 6 follicles on the left and 3 on the right measuring between 9.5 and 17 (yeah, big range). Plus there are a further two on each side that are too small to measure but look promising. My endometrium lining was nice and juicy at 7.6 – the Dr was really happy about this. I remember that in my scan for the last IUI at cycle day 10 I was only a 5 so this is a much better result. It still up in the air whether or not I will have my egg pickup this Friday or next Monday. I’m still hoping for the Monday. My actual Dr will be back then and it will be waaaaaay easier for care as my little monkey is in daycare on Mondays. Anyway, we will have to see the way the cards fall. For anyone who read my previous post (rant) you will be pleased to know that Eric and I had a great talk this afternoon so fingers crossed we can communicate a little better with each other from here. This is tough, friends, this whole reproductive thing. Really tough. People that go through cycle after cycle have nothing but my admiration. Keep it real folks and do something today that makes you smile. ~Ems~

13 thoughts on “IVF #1 – CD8 – Scan results

  1. Glad you guys are better…I’m hoping it is because he gave you a big fat apology. You know the whole mercury in retrograde business this month, it is causing all kinds of this kind of crap. My husband and I had huge fights last couple days. I scheduled an appt with our marital therapist we’ve seen twice before. I’m not doing the stupid ugly fighting anymore. Much love!!!


    • Even better than an apology, he has actually taken action with his communication which has been incredible. I’ve gone from feeling unheard to really supported, all by him finally employing some active listening techniques. Let’s hope it sticks around. I’ve been telling him every day how much of a difference it is making!


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