Wordless Wednesday: Memories


When this little moment popped up in my timehop the other day I was flooded with so many memories. I can remember taking that photo. It was actually at Eric’s mum place when I was visiting at around 30 weeks preggo.

I am filled with so much happiness as I know that bump is now my beautiful little boy. I delighted in my pregnancy (while being simultaneously terrified) so photos of it just bring me happiness and joy.

They also bring me sadness now as another part of me see this and thinks will this ever be again? This state of being feels elusive and so far away. Who knew it would be so hard?

Anyway, this wasn’t exactly wordless but it was wordless FOR ME. It’s all relative, folks.

Keep on keepin’ it real and fighting the good fight, friends.

17 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Memories

  1. Such a cute preggo!! And when I first saw the pic, it looks like you have a crown on because of the way “timehop” is positioned. 🙂
    This makes me smile, because you look so happy, and I really needed that right now. Don’t lose hope, and don’t give up. I feel like you’ll have your baby bump again, it’s just taking some work to get there. I think of you every time I hear “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten come on, because you posted it that one day a while back on your blog. I LOVE that song, and I feel like it’s so many of us right now. Hang in there, and thanks for sharing your happy moment. *hugs*


    • Awwww thanks Amy. Your beautiful comment made me feel teary. Haha I didn’t notice the crown before. So true! Funny I think of that blog post whenever I hear the song too. It really is one for all of us in this fertility land. I really was SO happy in that pic. I want us all to get that moment we are searching for too. Hugs xxx

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      • Your pic/post made me teary, so I guess we’re even! I think of that as my theme song. If we all stick by each other, hopefully we’ll all come out on the other side with our dreams in our arms.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s a beautiful photo. I know what you mean about that elusive feeling – i would look at pictures and it would seem surreal that I’d EVER managed to have a baby. Hope you’re doing okay xxx


    • Yeah I’m good thanks lovely. Filled with hope and optimism about this upcoming cycle. I hope it is for good reason. I honestly can’t remember a time when I was last this healthy for this length of time. It has to make a difference! It just has to! xxx


  3. Great picture, great wordless story behind it, just such a feel good moment. And, because I’m totally struggling with a kid issue today, I can tell you that we all sometimes stop and say “I didn’t know it would be this hard”, so, I’m there with you today, different issue, same statement, feeling united together!


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